SWF is one of the leading global players in crane and hoisting equipment. At all times and in all places, SWF applies to the highest and the most demanding standards – those of our customers.Our customers are independent crane manufacturers, lifting equipment resellers and service companies. They use SWF hoists and components because they perform better, offer advantages and can do more than the average products on the market. Quick decisions and flexible acting makes it easy to deal with SWF furthermore. Close to every SWF product there stands a reliable local partner who knows precisely what counts. In this way installations are built to perform better, systems to work and last longer – systems with first class service and optimum efficiency, ideally customized to the end users needs. SWF Krantechnik GmbH has been developing in one direction since 1921: to the top. The spirit of innovation has been and remains at the forefront in the more than 80-year history of the company internationally active in the crane and hoist branch.
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Srl - Via Guido Rossa n. 8 - 20024 Garbagnate M.se - Italy |